Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Adios UCT! Nov 9

Wow, I feel really bad. I haven’t posted a blog in over two weeks. I was doing so well the first three months, but my blogging inspiration has of late, just fallen apart. But do not fear trusty blog-following friends; I will hopefully be blogging a lot more in these next two weeks, because I am finally done with my studying experience at UCT! I just got out of my last final for Memory History and Identity. I am officially done with my time of “studying” in South Africa. I have over the course of this semester been immersed in random snippets of South African culture through my three courses. I have written 8 papers, spent a depressing number of days in different assorted Cape Town libraries, given a presentation, and written three finals. I am definitely worn out on “the humanities” and, as nerdy as it sounds, am looking forward to resuming my ochem and biology studies winter quarter (which will probably only last for the first two days of my time back at UCSD). It is such a bittersweet experience to be done with finals. I am happy to be done with classes, but at the same time am sad that I will soon be leaving South Africa. I miss everything about home, but I know that as soon as I leave I will miss everything about here too. I am really starting to feel like I live here. I will miss the culture, friends, and exploring that I have been fortunate enough to have here. But enough of this sentimental stuff, I am still here for two more weeks :)

So now I am out of school for about two months! Yay! It is the summer I never had. I feel very burnt out on school right now, seeing as I have been studying for 14 months strait. No bueno. So now I get to spend two weeks here in South Africa without worrying about studying or writing papers. The sun has been hiding itself for the past two days, which has assisted in my studying efforts. But now that I am done with classes, I hope that the notorious Cape Town summer weather will soon reappear. I plan on spending my two weeks laying in the sun by the pool, hanging with friends, and surfing.

On Friday I am going to partake on a surf adventure up the Garden Route Coast with the end destination of Jeffreys Bay (“JBay” in surf lingo). For those of you who aren’t surfers, JBay is one of the most famous/best surf spots in the world. It is known for its perfectly formed tubes and the lengthy time period that the barrels last. As you all know, I am a longboarder, so I will probably (hopefully?) not be getting barreled too much. Lucky for me, JBay also has a spot called “The Point” - which from what I can gather is a perfect right point break just north of Super Tubes. Sounds good! I will be partaking on this adventure with my closest friend here - Liz Mandle Candle. Liz doesn’t surf…. yet. I plan on teaching her during our trip. She is also planning on soaking up the rays on the beach and going bungee jumping. South Africa has the largest bridge bungee jump in the WORLD! I will definitely not be jumping off of it. A seven second free fall does not sound like my idea of a good time. As of right now, I am unsure of who else is going to be going on our trip. We will most likely be joined by a couple of my surfer friends, but the particulars are still to be worked out. I am so excited for this five-day surfing adventure, and I will definitely post all about it upon my return.

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