Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19, Oh the glory of UCT!

Today was the first day of orientation, and thus the first time that I went to the main UCT campus. It is absolutely gorgeous! Imagine Harvard style buildings with ivy growing everywhere, set with a breathtaking mountain behind it, placed on a hillside, and looking over the whole of the city of Cape Town. It is absolutely breathtaking! Unfortunately, we didn’t get to spend much time outside today, although it was sunny and 75 degrees. We had a full day of orientation where I learned these things.

1. Culture shock is like eating apples, you go through stages where you love the culture, hate it, and then learn to like it.

2. Americans have a reputation for asking too many questions in class, and can be identified easily when in the lecture hall - they always have a water bottle with them (i guess they’ll know where I’m from)

3. A’s and B’s are rarely every given out, especially in humanities classes….great.

4. Signing up for classes requires that we have patience, as we have to speak with the heads of the departments to get approved, and wait in super long lines called “ques” (not looking forward to doing this on friday)

5. Pepper spray is the only legal weapon allowed on campus (i will be getting a can)

6. None of the buildings have central heating

7. South African’s are very laid back and act like, and I quote, “Californian surfers, you know, the kind that smoke all the time…” (great stereotype guys)

And that is just a bit of the interesting things that I learned today. After the 7 hours of orientation jumbo we had a drumming workshop. A South African drumming troupe came in with over 400 drums and taught us how to do drum beats, and we drummed till our hands were numb and I felt like my fingers would fall off! Haha, but it was great, and sounded awesome. Outside UCT hall an African xylophone troupe was playing- so we danced and sang along with them, and then we went home. Oh and can I say, that I am absolutely obsessed with South Africa’s official songs??? So legit J

Until next time!


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun. When did you start smoking?

  2. Hi Caitlyn,

    Casey turned us on to your blog so we could follow your adventures. We did this before when Nate wad traveling in Australia and when Kyle was in Turkey. Sounds like you are off to a good start. You are in our prayers. Enjoy & learn! Glenn & Kelly

  3. They meant Caitlin, I promise! Sounds like a ton of fun dear : ) I'm glad they let you guys stop drumming before your hands fell off! Can't wait to hear more about your trip! Miss youuuuu

    -Casey (I don't know why it says Kyle? haha)

  4. haha, thanks guys! and dad, you didn't know i smoked? haha, jk! but really, its the stereotype that the guy said, i thought it was funny :)
