Thursday, September 16, 2010

And the schoolwork resumes, Sept. 16

School resumed this week in full force. I was hopelessly behind in my readings at the beginning of the week, but have miraculously been able to nearly catch up. By the end of this weekend I intend to be fully caught up. This week has been relatively uneventful.

On Monday I went to class and then spent the afternoon doing laundry and grocery shopping. I was excited when I arrived back from my trip to discover that I had two packages awaiting me at the post office. Upon pick-up I was informed that the customs charge on the package my mom sent me was 894R (roughly equivalent to $130). This was a total downer. The man at the post office told me that because my mom had put the values of the items (i.e. t-shirts, tights, etc.) on the package that customs was charging me thinking that I was going to sell the items in South Africa. Totally ridiculous! So after three days of relentlessly calling customs, and using up nearly all of my monthly airtime, I finally managed to receive orders to write a letter explaining the mistake and have the package sent back to customs. Hopefully when it returns I will not be paying an outrageous amount for my used clothes!

Later on Monday I went surfing. Monday was gorgeous and sunny, and the waves at Muizenburg were really fun. I saw more whales while I was surfing, which is always fun. The rest of the week the weather has not been so nice.

Tuesday through Thursday are really blurring together in my head. I think I spent these days going running, doing readings, and playing the piano. Some memorable things to note:

1. I have been going through another one of my banana eating obsession stages. I have eaten 14 small bananas in the last 2 days. Some may say this is not healthy, but I disagree.

2. I am also obsessed with picking pretty flowers off of neighbor’s bushes while I walk home from school. I make sure to only pick flowers that are hanging over the fences, in reach of the sidewalk….thats okay right? I have two vases of flowers in my room :)

3. Tonight I went out to dinner with the girls, Amanda’s mom, and a few other friends. There were eight of us in total. Amanda’s car that she just rented is a small 4/5 person car. (Mom and Dad: you might want to stop reading here) We thought it would be easier and cheaper to cram all eight of us into the car instead of calling a taxi. Not a good idea. Not only did the car sound like it’s breaks were going to give out due to the extreme weight load (equivalent to a small Jetta carrying 5 obese people) but we literally drove by eight Cape Town policemen. I did not know that that many policemen existed in Cape Town (haha, jk). There was an accident on the freeway so we literally had to drive past policemen that were standing 2 meters away. This constituted multiple people being smushed down out of view and cramped necks for a 2-mile period. After seeing the eighth policeman we decided to hire a cab, so as to not risk our luck any longer. So we reached the restaurant alive and without a ticket (thankfully!). The food was great and I ate a whole Margherita pizza by myself. My stomach hurts now.

Tomorrow I will go surfing early in the morning with George, instead of going to my class (they are just watching a documentary, thus I think going to the beach is more beneficial). I will hopefully be branching out and going to Long Beach. It will be a nice break from Muizenburg :)

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