Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ditching Class on Fridays, September 18

Yesterday I decided to skip my class that was showing a video on perpetrator’s testimonies in order to go surfing. I went surfing with my friend George, who also ditched that class. He came to pick me up at 8 am and we drove to Muizenburg to get my board. Unfortunately when we got there, the shop that holds my board wasn’t open. So we got some coffee and waited until 9 am and chatted it up. Once we got my board we drove back to the other side of town to go surfing. We went surfing at a beach that is on the Atlantic side, and a lot closer to down town Cape Town. It was super fun, and I loved surfing somewhere besides Muizenburg. The waves were 2-4 and pretty steep in sections, but slow. It was really fun, and I don’t know if I will be going back to Muiz anytime soon (partly because my board is no longer at that shop, and I don’t know how I will get it back, haha). We surfed for about two hours. Because it was on the Atlantic side it was freezing, so after two hours I could no longer feel my feet. George had made hot chocolate, so after we surfed we drank some hot chocolate and ate cookies. Although it does not beat the standard burrito after surfing, it was definitely a very good substitute. Then George drove me back home and dropped me around 1 pm. It was a long and fun day of surfing, and now I have a nine foot, red longboard standing up in my room :)

After surfing I showered and took a nap. When I woke up I was hungry and ate a ton of random stuff from my refrigerator. I ate a banana, carrots, pasta, chips and salsa, and orange juice. Not a good idea. Haha, I need to go grocery shopping. My stomach hurt after eating the weird combination of foods. Later that evening I went to HUB. At HUB I played another piano piece, it was fun.

Today I hiked Table Mountain with Liz, Kate, and Julia. Liz and I woke up early and went to eat breakfast at Coco-Wahwahs (spelling?). We took a cab that drove us to the bottom of Table Mountain. From the trailhead we proceeded to climb straight up for two hours to the top of the mountain. It felt like I was on a stair-climber machine for two hours straight. It was strenuous, but really fun. Once we reached the top we could see all of Cape Town and both sides of the Cape Point. It was not flat like one would image the top of a table mountain to be. A cable car goes to the top, so there were a ton of people once we reached the top. You could tell who had hiked up. We had a bet going of how long it would take us, and the person who’s time was furthest away from the mark had to buy a piece of cake for us all to split at the top. There was a restaurant at the top where we ordered burgers, and Liz (who had lost the bet) ordered us a piece of chocolate cake. It is a great idea to have restaurants at the top of mountains, because burgers after hiking are amazing! After stuffing ourselves with delicious burgers and chocolate cake we took the cable car down the mountain instead of hiking. I am so glad we saved our knees by taking the cable car down. At the bottom we had to find a taxi to take us back. We wanted to only pay 80R (instead of the 140R we payed on the way up). A taxi driver approached us who accepted that price, and led us to his car. It was a mini-van, which was a surprise, since it was very off of its normal Cape Town/Whineburg route. We got into it, and were a little sketched out, since normally mini-buses don’t go off their routes. But the guy was really nice and he took us back to Rondebosch with no problems.

I just finished napping and showering, and am now going to see Inception with Liz, Ann, and Jen. It will be the first time I've seen a movie in South Africa! yay! Tomorrow I plan on going to church, and writing a Tut assignment (not looking forward to writing this Tut, but it must be done...)


  1. I read this blog every day. If there aren't any new postings, I re-read the last ones. If there aren't any new postings for several days...I recite the old postings word-for-word by memory (eliciting strange looks from passers-by).

    Please post more.

  2. I am the same kind of person who follows your blog daily. I live to read your blog each day and I also give your blog address out to others, so keep writing. We are reading and really enjoying your SA adventures from a far. You are beginning to sound like a south african (ie. chatting it up). Can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving......

  3. haha. mom and dad, you guys are funny. dad, i am pretty sure you receive strange looks from passer-by's regardless of if you are reading my blog or not. love you guys!!! i'll try to post more :)
