Friday, August 27, 2010

Piano Playing Friday, August 27

This week has been relatively ordinary. I have spent it going to class, doing readings, writing papers (or trying to at least), hanging out at the Student Y, playing piano, and learning how to cook dinners for myself. I walk to class everyday, up the huge hill, arrive at class winded, and then after a few hours walk back home. On my way home I always stop at the Student Y office, and say hi to whoever is in there. On Tuesday my house was being fumigated. I hung out at the Y for 3 hours, then came home (earlier than I was supposed to) and immediately fell asleep. This was probably a bad idea since none of my windows were open. I had a bit of a headache when I woke up. I absolutely love being able to play the piano everyday on my way home. I have been learning new worship songs, new classical songs, and have been composing new creations. It makes me feel so happy to sit at that old piano and play and sing!

Today I went to the Student Y Large Group, HUB. They had asked me to play the piano with the band. I played worship music with a band for the first time tonight! We practiced a little bit prior to worship. I didn’t know some of the songs. It was intense to play worship with a band, but I really enjoyed it. I am not used to being directed by other people, I’m used to playing with my own direction. A few times I felt lost while playing the songs, but since the music was so loud, my mistakes didn’t really matter. But I really liked being able to add to worship, and will hopefully continue to play with them. Nick, one of the student leaders, had asked me prior to today if I wanted to play a solo to show my God given talents. So I also got the chance to play on my own, one of the songs I have made up. Everyone seemed to really enjoy it, and I got a ton of compliments on it. My favorite compliment was from a man who said it sounded like “George Winston.” Haha, I listed to a lot of him growing up, so it is quite possible that my song was influenced by his style of playing.

Now I am at home with my friend Dudu, and am preparing a presentation that I have to give on Monday. Tomorrow I am going to the District Six museum and a barbeque after. This weekend is going to be really busy with fun stuff and a lot of writing papers!

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